On November 8-10, 2002, some 50 former and current student and friends of the Protestant Theological Faculty, from 10 different countries, met in Prague for the fourth annual assembly of the Association of Friends of the Faculty. This year´s theme was "Darknes", after the title of a book by the well-known Czech author Jirásek about the Counter-Reformation period in Czech history.

The participants heard presentations by Dr. Alena Janatková, Dr. Jan Fiala and Dr. Peter Morée on different aspects of culture and religion in Baroque Prague, and discussed whether the period really was as Dark as Jirásek depicted it and the extent to which Baroque can be identified with the Counter-Rformation. They also had the opportunity of a practical encounter with Baroque monuments.

Norway 1
Norway 1 Norway 1
2002 038
2002 038 2002 038
Sweden 3
Sweden 3 Sweden 3
2002 015
2002 015 2002 015
2002 046
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2002 033
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Sweden 2
Sweden 2 Sweden 2
vera vera
2002 001
2002 001 2002 001
2002 006
2002 006 2002 006
2002 022
2002 022 2002 022
kocsi kocsi
2002 034
2002 034 2002 034
2002 023
2002 023 2002 023
Norway 3
Norway 3 Norway 3
2002 030
2002 030 2002 030
2002 002
2002 002 2002 002
2002 011
2002 011 2002 011
2002 045
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2002 027
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daniel4 daniel4
2002 036
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2002 025
2002 025 2002 025
Norway 5
Norway 5 Norway 5
2002 020
2002 020 2002 020
leonardo leonardo
2002 024
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2002 049
2002 049 2002 049
2002 032
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2002 009
2002 009 2002 009
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2002 018
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2002 026
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2002 012
2002 012 2002 012
daniel5 daniel5
geciova geciova
2002 016
2002 016 2002 016
2002 035
2002 035 2002 035
2002 047
2002 047 2002 047
2002 041
2002 041 2002 041
Sweden 5
Sweden 5 Sweden 5
2002 014
2002 014 2002 014
Norway 6
Norway 6 Norway 6
2002 013
2002 013 2002 013
vrsecky vrsecky
2002 031
2002 031 2002 031
2002 048
2002 048 2002 048
Daniel Daniel
walk walk
Norway 2
Norway 2 Norway 2
2002 044
2002 044 2002 044
2002 003
2002 003 2002 003
Sweden 1
Sweden 1 Sweden 1
2002 039
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2002 004
2002 004 2002 004
neval neval
2002 021
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2002 010
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2002 007
2002 007 2002 007
gertrudeke gertrudeke
2002 005
2002 005 2002 005
2002 028
2002 028 2002 028
satke satke
2002 019
2002 019 2002 019
Norway 7
Norway 7 Norway 7
Sweden 4
Sweden 4 Sweden 4
caby caby
kolkova kolkova
Sweden 6
Sweden 6 Sweden 6
Norway 4
Norway 4 Norway 4
2002 008
2002 008 2002 008

Download this file (052_Barok.pdf)052_Barok.pdf[ ]492 kB
Download this file (052_Experiences_Daniel_ge.pdf)052_Experiences_Daniel_ge.pdf[ ]505 kB
© Spolek přátel ETF - Association of Friends of the Protestant Theological Faculty