With his Plea for bible orientated sermon Prof. Pavel Filipi on 3rd November opened the discussion together with the friends of the Protestant-Theological Faculty at Charles University in Prague. Filipis plea had its’ starting point in his book „Pozvání k naději“ (Invitation to hope) and the academical discussion on a theological faculty. His Co-referents the pastors Martin Horak (Jilemnice), Birgit Dušek (German speaking congregation in Prague) and Michael Hoffmann (Haramsøy, Norway) reflected about sermon and preacher based on their practical experience.

It’s difficult to get especially younger people to become enthusiastic about hearing the word of god on a Sunday morning. This challenges not only the preacher, but although the sermon. It could and must be possible to ask about the shape and the length of the sermon, witch now is mostly at about 15 minutes. But its task must in all openness still be the same: The proclamation of the Gospel. “The real value of the sermon is not how “open” it is, but if and how wide it’s opening our horizons.” With these words Prof. Filipi closed his lecture. This lecture and the following discussion showed that at least in Prague there is a “Communio viatorum”, a fellowship of the way, between Professors, students and preachers. Beside the official discussion there was still enough time to deepen this fellowship in common celebrations in the golden city of Prague. 

Next year the international Association of Friends of the Protestant-Theological faculty will together with the faculty and the Protestant Church of the Czech Brethren celebrate the anniversary of the church from 20th to 23rd November 2008 (Thursday to Sunday).


Thanks to a bigger gift from one of our members 2006 is the first year for the association going in financial balance without any contributions from outside. We still have the contract with faculty which ascribes us to free accommodation and use of rooms in the building of the faculty during our meetings but we are still dependent on members fee. We thank especially those members who paid more than the minimum fee and those who paid it even if they couldn‘t attend the meeting. The Spolek is a non-profit organization. Since spring the Association has a new cheaper bank account at e-banka: Spolek přátel ETF, 2720961001/2400. (Swift/BIC: EBNKCZPP IBAN CZ0724000000002720961001)

The German bank account is still the same: 

The legal owner of the bank account is Michael Hoffmann (in accordance with Czech law), 30 52 755 066 , Blz 701 100 88 Postbank SPAR München.

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© Spolek přátel ETF - Association of Friends of the Protestant Theological Faculty